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Encounter Church Winchcombe

I wonder how we respond to the call to be bold? Perhaps you have never considered yourself to be a “bold” person. But what if being bold had absolutely nothing to do with us and absolutely everything to do with God?

I really believe that being bold doesn’t come from being the loudest, bravest, fiercest person in the room. I believe that boldness is a gift God gives to us that comes from the Holy Spirit rising up inside of us! Very often it comes in the face of opposition for Christ, causing us to take a stand for our faith with our feet firmly planted on the ground.

I suspect that boldness isn’t something we’re born with, or not, it is something that we are given as children of God. When we are filled with the boldness of the Holy Spirit, people around us cannot help to notice.

Tomorrow we are looking at the vision I believe the Lord is giving to us at Encounter Vineyard in this new season, as the Lord asks us to believe that with Him, “Anything’s Possible.’ For us to ‘walk in that mindset’ it will require the gift of boldness, on our part. Why? Because I believe that boldness is often the catalyst to God’s miracles in our lives. When we walk in bold obedience to the Father, despite what the world may say, God never fails to show up.

Boldness requires faith. It requires believing and relying fully on the truth that God is who He says He is, and He will do what He said He will do. To be bold for Christ, is to be humble before him and dependent upon Him. It is leaving our abilities and limitations at his feet and accepting that it is ONLY through him that we can accomplish that which he has called us to.

As we move into 2023, I am praying that we will increasingly be ready to live boldly for Christ. That we will increasingly pray bold prayers and ask God to make us bold. As we become increasingly convinced that with Jesus ‘Anything is Possible’ may others see the boldness of Jesus in us and be amazed. 

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