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Falling Upward by Richard Rohr

Encounter Church Winchcombe

Richard Rhor, a Franciscan Priest, author and speaker, in this book, talks about the two halves of life. In the first half of life we are more naturally occupied with establishing ourselves, climbing, achieving and performing. But as we get older and encounter challenges and mistakes, he says, we need to see ourselves in a different and more life giving way.

The message of Falling Down, which is in fact moving upward, is of course counterintuitive to all the messages we receive and even other world religions.

I read this book at a time when I was trying to make sense of so much about life. I found it insightful, engaging, perceptive and helpful. It is a ‘must read’ book and may be particularly helpful, in this season of great uncertainty.

Apparently, we can grow spiritually more by ‘doing it wrong’ than by ‘doing it right’ and all the disappointments of life are actually stepping stones to the spiritual joys and treasures in the second half of life. That has to be good news for lots of us!

I love having this book to refer back to in various moments of life … it is extremely popular and I so hope you enjoy!

PS: It also has a really attractive cover!

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