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God’s Dream

Encounter Church Winchcombe

Years ago, I found myself fascinated by the Way of the Samurai, where they teach “he who makes the first move is the one to die.” There may be more truth in this than we might ever imagine! If God is the One who transforms us into spiritual activators, then this is the way that God’s kingdom advances. Someone must make the first move. Someone must be willing to lay dow their own life on the line. This is part of God’s dream for us.

I have always found the teaching of Henry Blackaby helpful, especially his insight that we should look for what God is doing and then join in with what He is doing. I think it has moved me to a place of greater obedience. It has encouraged me to keep ‘leaning in to listen and watch.’ Yet I think it is important to add that while God has been working in human history since He breathed life into Adam, there are many things yet to be done, and beyond this, many things yet to begin. 

There may be another question that needs to be asked beyond “What is God doing? And that is this: “what is God dreaming?” is there something that God wants initiated and He’s waiting for someone to volunteer? In Isaiah the Lord said to His people, “Open your eyes! I am doing a new thing. Will you even be aware of it?” (Isaiah 43:19)

In my experience, over the years, in every church arena or movement where God has moved, no matter how big or small, someone went first. I have a real sense the essence of a spiritually attuned church and leadership, are people who are willing to follow God first and close up! 

I believe that as we enter into this season of vision the Lord is saying to us not to be like children afraid to walk through a darkened hallway but to be like the pioneers and divine adventurers who are always ready to step out and go first! As we think about the future, we make the first move and step out with anticipation and expectation. 

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