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My Lighthouse

Encounter Church Winchcombe

Over the last two months we have been enjoying singing the Rend Collective song ‘My Lighthouse. It has been a precious part of our corporate family praise.

As I’ve reflected on the words of the song, I have been reminded that as the people of God, our calling is to shine God’s light into the world’s darkness, drawing others closer to Him.

In the same way that a lighthouse brings direction to a ship on the sea and steers them away from danger, so Jesus is our light that leads us out of and away from spiritual traps. As He does this, it means in turn that we can lead others with us into safety. This is why Jesus also calls believers to be the salt and light of the world.

There are three examples in the Bible that particularly strike me and that represent qualities of standing firm as a lighthouse for God: The story of Job, Daniel and Noah.

Despite his life being stripped away from him, Job kept his character strong in God’s sight. He never rejected God or acted without integrity among those who questioned his devotion to the Lord. In a culture that behaved unjustly and proudly, Job turned from evil and turned to God with total fear of Him.

Daniel remained consistent when his values were being tested by authorities, staying true to his convictions. When prayer to God was banned, he continued to pray openly every day. He consistently chose to fear God over the ruling of men and received favour for doing so.

In obedience to God, Noah stepped out in courage to spend his life building an ark when the rest of the world questioned him. Without any understanding, he saw the primacy of obeying God. Noah knew God would provide for what He had instructed.

It strikes me that to be a lighthouse for God, we must act with character, consistency and courage in all God asks us to do. Then, we will shine brighter together and draw in more people out of the darkness. This is the great mandate upon God’s people and upon our lives together here at Encounter Vineyard!

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