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Rest and Revive

Encounter Church Winchcombe

Rest and Revive

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Sunday Online at Encounter.

In the midst of all the tumultuous events going on around us, we really hope that you enjoy joining with us and being a part of our latest online teaching, worship and ministry.

Today we continue with our summer series ‘Life With’, where we are exploring our relationship with God and how it can deepen and grow.

Mark will be speaking today with a message called ‘Rest and Revive’ as he looks at how we can deepen our walk with God, moment by moment.

If you want to find out a little more about life at Encounter and our church news, we would encourage you to sign up for our weekly Saturday Contact, listen to our online news or visit our homepage.

As we worship and celebrate today, we pray the Lord’s richest blessing over us all.

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