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Encounter Church Winchcombe

Henri Nouwen was a Dutch Roman Catholic priest who left his academic career to share his life with people with mental disabilities as pastor of the l’Arche Community in Toronto. He has produced many extraordinary books, including ‘The Wounded Healer’, ‘The Selfless Way of Christ’ and ‘Show Me The Way’. The Return of the Prodigal is the best book of his that I have read…

This book takes us deep into the story of the Prodigal in Luke 15 and presents it from the different angles of … The younger son who hurries to leave home to waste away everything he has, the older son who did everything right yet is joyless and bitter and the father who finds it deep in his heart to love them both despite the condition of theirs.

As the author circles each of the characters, we find ourselves relating to each one as though we were one or all of them simultaneously! In this book, Nouwen represents the Heart of the Father and the spirit of the Gospel deeply and profoundly.

Whether you are a Christian (at any level) or otherwise, this is a good read that gives an insight into the human heart and how it can expand beyond what conventional thinking may say. It is a thoughtful reflection on unconditional love and forgiveness and maybe after reading this, it could make a case for a bigger place in our hearts.

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