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As I have been preparing about our new series ‘Living Well’ I have found myself reflecting that ‘where our focus lies, lies our strength.’

We don’t have to look very far to know that the enemy has done all he can to fill our world with distractions. Why?…  Because he knows that where our focus lies, lies our strength.

If we are so focused on money, or qualifications, our families, hobbies or our jobs – even though these are inherently good things, they take our focus off of the BEST thing, Jesus.

When we fix our focus on Jesus first, the other things in our lives become healthier because He is at the centre. Our marriages, jobs, finances, and families blossom when they come from an overflow of having Jesus at the centre of it all.

It is Jesus who makes our marriage stronger, Jesus who equips us as parents, Jesus who makes us a better friend, a better wife, a better husband, it is Jesus who makes us better business owners and employees. In the end… it all starts with Him.

Let’s make sure we stop, pause, consider and take time to notice what we are pouring our time and energy into. What things, even if they are good things, have become distractions from the MAIN thing – Jesus?

As we pause over the weekend, in the midst of the busyness of life, let’s consider how we can make time and space to intentionally sit with Jesus. Let’s focus our attention on the One who is worthy and run with endurance the race that is set before us.

Contact info

Encounter Vineyard, Gretton Road, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, GL54 5EE

Sunday at 10 am

Encounter meets every Sunday in Winchcombe for celebrations that start at 10:00 am and that last about 90 minutes. They are informal, welcoming and involve a mix of spirit-filled worship, relevant and real Bible teaching, communion and prayer ministry.

Encounter Kids will take place during the talk allowing the kids to have their own input with creative crafts and stories whilst the parents have quality time to focus on the talk.

Encounter Trust Winchcombe is a UK registered charity no. 1157308

‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.

Contact info

Encounter Vineyard, Gretton Road, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, GL54 5EE

Sunday at 10 am

Encounter meets every Sunday in Winchcombe for celebrations that start at 10:00 am and that last about 90 minutes. They are informal, welcoming and involve a mix of spirit-filled worship, relevant and real Bible teaching, communion and prayer ministry.

Encounter Kids will take place during the talk allowing the kids to have their own input with creative crafts and stories whilst the parents have quality time to focus on the talk.

Encounter Trust Winchcombe is a UK registered charity no. 1157308

‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.