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Seeking Allah Finding Jesus – Nabeel Qureshi Review by David West

In this book, Seeking Allah, finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi tells a very candid intimate story of a sincere young Muslims journey out of Islam and to Christianity. He’s devoted, describing the home life of a Muslim in a tightly knit community. The book is written in a descriptive, engaging style that he maintains throughout. 

Nabeel is taught Islam from a young age. He has a grandmother who was a Muslim missionary. Islam means a lot to him and his family, to whom he’s devoted and respectful. That devotion is a reflected in his devotion to the Islamic faith. 

But his faith in Islam and Muhammed was to be shaken first by the events of 9/11. As readers we feel how perplexed he is over the attacks. “How could people do this in the name of his religion?”, “in the name of his prophet”, “how could they do such things?”

His faith is challenged further by a friendship he strikes up in collage, with a Christian called David Wood. These young men over time have a deepening friendship. Where they grew to love each other as brothers – being best man at each other’s wedding!

Nabeel’s friendship with David caused many questions and pre-conceptions about Christianity to be taken apart over a number of years. Nabeel is a seeker after truth and discovers that Christianity is far from the week faith he’d been told by the Muslim Imams. Pursuing the truth takes him – against his will to a place where his family disowns him. But where he finds the reality of a relationship with God that the Islamic recitations and rituals could never provide.

Through the book, the reader is shows moderate Islam in good light – an observation made by Nabeel and David. Many Muslims are peaceful and open to discussions on God and religion, in a way in which other people groups are far more close minded.  The book gives many pages exploring those differences and centring on the historical accuracy of the death and resurrection of Jesus and its implications. These deep division between the Islamic view of God and the Bible, and the person and work of Christ are not glossed over but with which Nabeel wrestles. These discussions are reminiscent of Lee Strobel’s book:  “The Case For Christ”. Like Strobel’s book it is presented in a similar robust manner. 

The narrative style is a page turner. Encouraging the reader to eagerly anticipate Nabeel receiving Christ. 

It’s strongly recommended. Well-paced, an encouraging read of a young man’s desire for the Truth irrespective of the cost. For the reader an insight into the world of Islam and a deepening of our understanding of God and the person and work of Christ. 

Contact info

Encounter Vineyard, Gretton Road, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, GL54 5EE

Sunday at 10 am

Encounter meets every Sunday in Winchcombe for celebrations that start at 10:00 am and that last about 90 minutes. They are informal, welcoming and involve a mix of spirit-filled worship, relevant and real Bible teaching, communion and prayer ministry.

Encounter Kids will take place during the talk allowing the kids to have their own input with creative crafts and stories whilst the parents have quality time to focus on the talk.

Encounter Trust Winchcombe is a UK registered charity no. 1157308

‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.

Contact info

Encounter Vineyard, Gretton Road, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, GL54 5EE

Sunday at 10 am

Encounter meets every Sunday in Winchcombe for celebrations that start at 10:00 am and that last about 90 minutes. They are informal, welcoming and involve a mix of spirit-filled worship, relevant and real Bible teaching, communion and prayer ministry.

Encounter Kids will take place during the talk allowing the kids to have their own input with creative crafts and stories whilst the parents have quality time to focus on the talk.

Encounter Trust Winchcombe is a UK registered charity no. 1157308

‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.